Wheels of Evolution – the Road of Disrupt Development

In this blog, our founder and steward Alexander Arkadjevitsm Medik shares a unfiltered glimpse into the parallel journeys of personal transformation and organizational evolution of Disrupt Development. As he navigates the roads of Europe in a camper, Alexander contemplates the lived experience of 'disrupt' and 'development'—how they manifest in the everyday adventures and strategic shifts that steer both his life and the direction of the organization."

On April 1st, 2024, I embarked on a new adventure in my life. Together with my partner and dog, we left everything behind in the Netherlands and set out in a camper across Europe. Despite our happiness in the Netherlands, we sought more freedom, adventure, and new encounters with life.

We are docked in an Italian harbor, the storm is fierce, the camper sways in every direction, waves lash against the rocks before us, lightning flashes, and the sky changes into many colors. I enjoy it. As I look outside, I cannot help but think of the many 'closing acts' of festivals that I will miss in the coming year. Amidst this marvelous 'act' of nature, I am reading a book by the philosopher of science Ervin Laszlo – Reconnecting with the Source. His theories weave together the latest evidence from quantum science, spirituality, and philosophy to present a holistic vision of the universe and our place within it.

According to Laszlo, the purpose of life and the universe itself is development and evolution. This idea is reflected in the notion that the universe, including humanity, has an inherent drive towards complexity and self-organization. Life and consciousness themselves are expressions of this fundamental field that strives for higher levels of order and awareness. Continuously moving and evolving.

I think about our journey, which can be a metaphor for life itself; each stop, each storm, each sunrise brings its own lessons and revelations. Here in this Italian harbor, where nature orchestrates its own festival, I find an echo of Laszlo’s words in the wild choreography of the elements. It is a vivid reminder of the constant motion and evolution that defines my life.

I see these elements of change and development reflected in Disrupt Development as well. The organization I founded is itself a manifestation of the desire for growth and evolution within the structures of our society. Like the storm that clears the sky for a new day, we aim to break through old paradigms and make room for new, more just systems of global development.

Just as in my personal quest, the organization has reached a point of transition, and we are preparing for the next flourishing phase. We are on the verge of starting a new chapter with the establishment of a new global secretariat, with five permanent staff members, which will serve as the backbone of our efforts. A renewed governance structure will give us the flexibility to move in a world that is constantly changing. We are in the process of strengthening our financial diversity, which is essential for the sustainability of our purpose. Finally, we will soon begin to renew our community, where proactivity and co-creation will be fundamental for the flourishing of our movement.

In the silence after the storm, as I gaze over the calming sea, I feel a deep connection to all this. I realize that my personal quest for freedom and adventure, and the purpose of Disrupt Development, share the same underlying drive for development and evolution. As Laszlo suggests, this is not just the pursuit of individuals or organizations but also a fundamental feature of the universe itself, of life.

Looking at my partner and our dog Snoezel, I see fellow travelers on this path to self-discovery and realization. We are all part of a larger whole, searching for our place and purpose within this vast, interconnected web of life.

Therefore, as the sky clears and the stars emerge, I open my laptop and begin to share today's experiences. My hope is that our stories, both of the disruptive storm and the subsequent serene clarity, will inspire others to undertake their own journey - whether that be an adventure in the world or the courageous step towards disruptive development.

Knowing that each new morning offers a chance for renewal, I am ready to see what this new day will bring us. For Disrupt Development, and for me, the path of evolution will undoubtedly lead to new horizons and undiscovered possibilities.



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